Male Infertility
Infertility affects one in six couples, and in about half of all cases, male infertility is a contributing factor. The physicians at Urology Group of Florida have extensive experience determining the underlying cause of male infertility, and they work together with each patient to find the treatment that helps them conceive.
When should I seek help for infertility?
Both partners should seek an infertility evaluation if a couple has not conceived after having regular, unprotected intercourse for one year (or six months if the female partner is over 35).
After the age of 40, age becomes a significant factor for both partners. In men, testosterone levels begin to decline, causing changes that affect their fertility. Compared to men in their 30s, the chance of getting a woman pregnant within one-year declines by about 30% after the age of 40.
What causes male infertility?
Male infertility may develop for many reasons, including:
Low sperm levels
Poor sperm motility
Abnormally shaped sperm
Blocked tubes
Varicose veins around the testicles
Retrograde ejaculation
Hormone imbalances
Injured testicles
Lack of sperm is the culprit in 10-15% of male infertility cases.

How is male infertility diagnosed?
When you visit a physician with Urology Group of Florida, you’ll receive a thorough physical examination and blood work as needed to rule out underlying health conditions like a hormone imbalance.
Next, you’ll undergo a semen analysis. This test checks your semen and sperm, identifying any problems that may affect your fertility. For example, all of the following problems affect male fertility:
Amount of semen in an ejaculation
Semen quality
Number of sperm
Sperm motility (ability to swim)
Size and shape of sperm
The genetic integrity of your sperm is also important for fertility, so your doctor may run a sperm DNA fragmentation test.
How is male infertility treated?
Your doctor at Urology Group of Florida develops your treatment based on the underlying cause of your infertility. A low sperm count can often be treated with medication, while hormone replacement therapy is used to address a hormone imbalance. You might need surgery to remove a blockage.
Assisted reproductive technology is also used to treat male infertility, such as:
In vitro fertilization
Your doctor retrieves sperm from ducts inside the epididymis, where sperm mature. After removing the healthiest sperm, your doctor can use them to immediately fertilize an egg in the lab or they can be frozen and stored for future use.
What is Intracytoplasmic sperm injection?
With today’s technology, your doctor can retrieve a single sperm, make sure it’s healthy, then inject it directly into your partner’s egg.